Friday, June 28, 2013

Platt Pad by Brian Platt

Platt Pad by Brian Platt

PLATT PAD - An original concept from Brian and Mike Platt. The PLATT PAD gives you the power to perform mentalism and magic that is so clean, so pure, there is absolutely nowhere for your spectators minds to go. If you could really make accurate predictions, it would look exactly like this. Here are just a handful of squeaky clean effects possible with the Platt Pad. PLATTWAVE- This is the 8 Card Brainwave youve always dreamed of - with a clean ending. The performer places eight cards face down in a row on the table and writes down a bold prediction for all to see. He predicts that the spectator will pick the one card that is different from all the rest. The spectator freely chooses one of the eight cards (if youd like, he can even sign his name on the back) and its placed to the side in full view. The seven cards that were not selected are flipped over to reveal they have a scary green Mr. Yuk sticker on the face of them. The chosen card, as predicted, is the odd card out - its the only one with a yellow smiley face sticker on the face. The cards are all left on the table for immediate examination! This not only satisfies the toughest of skeptics but it also leaves the spectator with a very pretty and stunning picture as she sees, plain as day, the stark contrast between her chosen card and the seven others. Brian teaches numerous variations including an identical version of the Nick Trost original using 8 different playing cards. The difference Here, all of the cards can be fairly (and yes, instantly) flipped over and left out for examination. Endless possibilities. .More (Click here)I cannot remember the last time I opened a new magic item and just played with it over and over again. I think this will become a standard mentalism tool. - David RegalThis is one of the most beautifully created utility devices I have ever seen. Its mechanism is so diabolical it reminds me of something Q would be training James Bond to use. All I kept saying was WOW when I lai

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